Style Definition for Extensions panel

The Extensions style attributes control features that are not supported by most current browsers. See the Dreamweaver Developers Center for the latest information on these options. See also Style sheets overview and Editing a style.

To open the Style Definition dialog box, Choose Window > Styles and click Edit Style Sheet. In the dialog box that appears, choose a style and click Edit. Click the panel names on the left side of the dialog box. Leave any of the following attributes empty if they are not important to the style:

Pagebreak forces a page break when printing either before or after the object controlled by the style. This option is not supported by any 4.0 browser, but support may be provided by future browsers.

Cursor changes the pointer image when the pointer is over the object controlled by the style. This attribute is supported only Internet Explorer 4.0.

Filter applies special effects to the object controlled by the style, including blur and inversion. Choose an effect from the pop-up menu. Only Internet Explorer 4.0 supports this attribute.